Emailing: How to Enable POP3 in Yahoo! Mail _ KhimHoe.Net

Yahoo! Mail and POP3POP3 is a common protocol that use by desktop email client to retrieve emails from your mail server. Most web-based email service don't provide access to POP3. But it is changing. Major email provider such as GMail and Hotmail are providing POP3 to their user, except for Yahoo! Mail. POP3 is a premium service that require subscription for Yahoo Mail user. But, for some reason Asia user can use it for free! This option is not enable by default and you need to change some settings to enable POP3 in your Yahoo! Mail. Follow the guide below to enable POP3 access for your account:

Step 1: Login into your web Yahoo! Mail. Click on your Display Name and select 'Edit My Account'

Click on username and select 'Edit My Account'Step 2: You will see your account settings page. In the Member Information section, check the current settings for Preferred Content. If it is Yahoo! Asia, please skip to step 7. Else, click 'Edit' on the Member Information section here.

Click Edit on the Member Information sectionStep 3: In the Member Details page, click on the current Preferred Content option. (ie: Yahoo! US)

Click on Preferred ContentStep 4: Change your current preferred content settings to Yahoo! Asia and click 'Finished'.

Select Yahoo! Asia as your preferred content.Step 5: Go through the TOS and click 'I Accept'. (If you decline the TOS, you cannot proceed further)

Read the TOS and click I acceptStep 6: Your preferred should be 'Yahoo! Asia' now. Click the 'Finished' button on the top right to save the settings.

Review settings and click 'Finished'Step 7: In your main mail box page, click on Options and select Mail Options.

Click on Options and select Mail OptionsStep 8: Click on POP & Forwarding. Click the 'Set up or edit 'POP & Forwarding' link.

Click POP & Forwarding and click 'Set up or edit POP &   Forwarding'Step 9: Select the Web & POP Access options. Change the other settings if necessary. Click Save.

And you are done! The settings for the POP3 and SMTP:

Incoming Mail Server (POP3): (Use SSL, port: 995)
Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): (Use SSL, port: 465, use authentication)
Account Name/Username: <Your Yahoo! Mail address>
Email address: <Your Yahoo! Mail address>
Password: <Your Yahoo! Mail password>

I will post a guide later on how to setup Yahoo! Mail in your Outlook 2007. :)

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24 Responses to "How to Enable POP3 in Yahoo! Mail"
  1. [...] signing in to the service and changing your settings there). Follow the following steps described here to enable POP access in [...]

  2. jojoba says:

    Thanks. It works for me

  3. Kaott says:

    For some reason, after I changed to Yahoo mail asia, i don't have the option "POP and Forwarding" between "Account" and "Vacation Response". What went wrong?

    • HMMaster says:

      Weird… is the Yahoo logo showing any Asian country? ie: Malaysia?

      Try signing out and in again. Then double check the settings.

  4. evogue says:

    can't see the 'POP & Forwarding' in mail option. sad…what can i do next?

  5. evogue says:

    haha…i knew already..change the yahoo to "yahoo classic"! the will see the "pop & forwarding"..i got it!

  6. Kaott says:

    Thx for the answers. I read on the internet after some research, that the whole thing with changing to Yahoo Asia doesn't work with "newer" Yahoo accounts (mine is from August '08). Eventually I made myself a new Email-address with, because I'm from Germany anyway. There, POP is free. It works :)

  7. [...] in Outlook 2007. First you need to enable POP3 in your Yahoo! Mail account. You can follow my guide here on how to enable POP3 in Yahoo! [...]

  8. Dee says:

    Can I send out e-mails if's I'm using Windows Live Mail? I am using Yahoo! Asia. I tried synching using the standard POP settings. I managed to download my mails in Windows Live Mail but can't send out e-mails from there.

  9. sanjeev says:

    thanks buddy it works

  10. Monitor_R says:


    It seams that this solution is not applicable for accounts created after 12.Sep.2009.
    I am trying to enable the POP3 option for an email account created on the 14.Sep.2009 and after selecting the Proffered Content to Yahoo Asia and clicking the Finish button, the TOS screen does not appear but the contend is changed.
    In this case the POP3 option is still not available.

    Do you know a work arround in this case?


  11. atropine says:

    My account dates from 2000 and the solution worked as described. Many thanks!.

  12. dangvm says:

    thank you very much. It work very good on my computer with windows 7 and outlook 2010. I had tried with ypops but pop yahoo mail was not working.

  13. Cast says:

    Very good. Works 100% with Thunderbird and an account from the last century.

  14. Frank says:

    Wow. works perfect.
    its the best way there is.

  15. chandar says:


  16. carlye says:

    works for one of my yahoo accounts that was made around 2001 but My mail options does not have the option for pop foward on another yahoo account made from more recently. guess yahoo fixed it.

  17. Murthy says:

    Very useful help

  18. hellobogart says:

    i wonder why it did not work for me. followed the instructions above. Changed mine from US to Philippines. Changed also to classic mode. but still do not have the option for POP and forwarding. My account says Member Since: 06/22/2001. Any ideas

  19. [...] بخش Preferred Content یاهو آسیا را انتخاب کنید. راهنمایی بیشتر اینجا:  حالا در سمت چپ [...]

  20. Ceasar says:

    I created my account around August 2008 and I can't get the POP3 and forwarding option, I switched to classic mail but I still don't get it…I have it on Yahoo Asia.

  21. [...] of all, enable POP access in your Yahoo, Hotmail or AOL [...]

  22. kamlesh savaliya says:

    was struggling like anything to set up yahoo mail in outlook 2007 but wasnt working finally by changing it to asia contents, issue been sorted in minute. thanks a lot !

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Emailing: How to Enable POP3 in Yahoo! Mail _ KhimHoe.Net Emailing: How to Enable POP3 in Yahoo! Mail _ KhimHoe.Net Reviewed by Anonymous on June 18, 2010 Rating: 5

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